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Top Trusts 2015 lists the top 101 new grant makers by wealth from last year.
Across 2015 there were 1,133 new grant makers established with the Charity Commission. A third of these had a specific focus for their giving (i.e. named schools, churches, hospitals, or some other significant restriction), meaning they are of little interest to the professional fundraiser. 
Of the 740 true grant makers that set up last year 268 (36%) were picked up through prospect research. The 101 wealthiest appear in Top Trusts 2015, including:

  • 6 with billionaires
  • 30 with individuals worth over £100 million
  • 55 with individuals worth over £10 million


With in-depth research on each, how many could be supporting your charity?

Top Trusts 2015

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